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Million Man March Transcript

Million Man March Transcript

MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN, “MILLION MAN MARCH” (16 OCTOBER 1995) [1] In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. We thank Him for His prophets, and the scriptures which they brought. We thank Him for Moses and the Torah. We thank Him for Jesus and the Gospel....
Reasonable Doubt

Reasonable Doubt

I joined the Nation of Islam spring of 1995.  I was not familiar with the postulation given by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan for the Million Man March.  I was 21 years of age and desired to honor a promise I had given two years earlier to join. Like many from...
The Eight Steps of Atonement

The Eight Steps of Atonement

The roadmap As part of the October 16, 1995 Million Man March and its themes of Atonement, Reconciliation and Responsibility the Eight Steps in the Atonement process were presented to promote peace and settle differences. Someone must point out the wrong...
Reasonable Doubt

Why the website, The Million Man March?

There are almost two generation who do not know of the awesome feat demonstrated by Black men in America.  The event is called the Million Man March.  America’s social media, educational institutions and other public channels of communications have censored and...