I joined the Nation of Islam spring of 1995.  I was not familiar with the postulation given by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan for the Million Man March.  I was 21 years of age and desired to honor a promise I had given two years earlier to join.

Like many from urban centers, I was “slinging” (selling) marijuana to eat and pay for household expenses.  One day while walking by a mosque being constructed in 1993, I asked a man, affectionately called Bro. X, “What are you building here?”  He said strongly but with a warm smile, “Brother, we a building something to help Black people.”  My immediate reply was, “Sir ngg** are going to tare this place up.”  Little did I know, this house of worship and its instructors, had a divine message and education that will civilize and uplift the Black man and woman in America and around the world.

If you see them you would run way

The late 80s and 1990s had a couple of great explosions, notably on the positive side, conscious hiphop.  Coupled with it was crack cocaine, the industrial prison complex, media and record labels control of conscious rap, and the expansion of the war on the Black family. (note all these traits exist 27 years later)

I recall watching movies like New Jack City, Boys In the Hood and Menace II Society, and thinking to myself, this is not giving us, the Black community a good look.  A divine leader, would speak to this on why he called for the Million Man March.

Why the Millon Man March

The following videos and links describes in detail  the horrible plight of the majority of Black Americans in the 1990s and sets forth the reasons why the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan needed to shoot the flare for Atonement and Reconciliation by and from the Black man to himself, his women and children.

Stop the Killing

C-SPAN Broadcast Crime & Violence Speech New York City, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, spoke on the issue of crime and violence at the Jacob Javits Convention Center on December 13th.   

The Attack On Black Youth

The Attack On Black Youth Delivered by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan at the Final Call Administration Building, September 30th, 1992.

1995 Saviours Day

Saviour Day 1995 Who Will Save the Black Man?  The Million Man March and Why?

What Time Is It? – West Palm Beach, 19

What Time Is It?, West Palm Beach Auditorium The Hon. Louis Farrakhan delivered this powerful and timely message at the West Palm Beach Auditorium in West Palm Beach Fl. on March 4, 1994  

Healing the Wounds, Saviours’ Day, 1993

Healing the Wound, Saviours' Day, October 9th, 1993 The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered this powerful Saviours' Day address at The Sports Arena in Los Angeles, Ca. on October 9, 1993.  

The Black Man is God

The Black Man is God Part of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's "Let Us Make Man" lecture series. Delivered in Baltimore, Maryland 6/27/1994.

The Guide and The Guidance, Saviours’ Day 1994

The Guide and The Guidance, Saviours' Day, February 27,1994 The National Representative of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered this powerful Saviours' Day 1994 message at the UIC Pavilion in Chicago,...

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